July 28, 2008

Congratulations to Room Eight's Star of the Week

Well done you are a happy and motivated Wai Learner.
Keep up the great work.

The Term so far...

It has been a good start to the term.
We have started PrEP - this is where we have a business, we make goods which we sell at Market day to earn money. Our money is called TaiTai's we designed it ourselves.
We are going to learn about advertising which will be fun especially if we get to watch ads on TV!

We are looking forward to
  • Skiing at Roundhill
  • The talent quest
  • Getting to know the new teacher Miss McCallum welcome.

July 9, 2008

Hello Room Eight

Hi everyone,
How are your holidays? It is great that the sun is shining.
I have been busy in the garden and getting ready for Term Three.
Hope you are enjoying the holidays and look forward to hearing about your adventures - post a comment.
From Miss Wilson.

July 3, 2008

Toy Fair

We read a story called Anna's Coat. She bartered some things and she ended up with a warm red coat.

Our class bought an assortment of toys to barter with. We bartered for five minutes, some of us traded a few times.

There was lots of things to trade Gali traded a race car for 2 of Tom's rugby cards and one of Dylans toys.

It was exciting when we got "new" things to take home.

With our toy trading we are saving money, we are recycling and we are happy with our trading.